YES! Your Environment’s Soap: Our Response To The Coronavirus Pandemic.
We are using our facilities & natural ingredients in “The Hive” to make bars of soap for students experiencing financial hardship.
The soap production and donations are our small way of trying to help.
For each bar of surf or hockey wax sold we are donating a bar of “YES! Your Environment’s Soap” to a student in need.
We all want to fight this together and do our part in helping flatten the curve to reduce the contracting of the coronavirus.
Check out our story in the Los Angeles Times:

We know everyone is trying to do their best, keeping your heads up and managing in our own ways during this wild and unfortunate time.
As a company, we understand that some people within our communities are in even tougher situations.
Help us in donating soap to students by purchasing our surf and hockey wax
You can purchase by the bar or packs of 20.